Lisanne Geschiere (2020-2022)

Trainee Information Management

My name is Lisanne Geschiere, I have been working as an Information Management Trainee at the G4 trainee pool since April 1, 2020. When I was looking for a job during my Masters in Public Administration, I came across the vacancy for this traineeship. I immediately thought: this is really something for me! The combination of a work trajectory, pool assignments and a learning trajectory immediately appealed to me. It’s great fun to dedicate myself to topics that I find really interesting. As a result, I am intrinsically motivated. The municipality is a very nice place to develop myself, I get all the space and time for this. Trainees are not yet used to the ‘standard’ way of working.They look at problems differently and are critical of why things go the way they do.

For me, information management is the key to successful change. Linking information offers many opportunities for process optimization and innovation. Sometimes I find it a big challenge that an idea is not just feasible. Often something has to be coordinated with different layers or something has to be discussed very often, which sometimes takes a lot of time. What I like about my job is that as an information manager I am involved in many different projects. As a result, my work is very diverse. One week I’m at meetings to set up a certain process and the next week I’m holding interviews or I’m just evaluating.

Because we work from home a lot due to the Corona situation, I try to set up space in my agenda to speak to my fellow trainees. An occasional walking call or a virtual cup of coffee ensures that you stay connected with your fellow trainees. On Wednesdays we have either a pool day or a training day. The entire traineeship focuses on personal development. Throughout the program you will have courses that you will take with the entire pool. In this you train competences and acquire skills. In the second year you will also be given the opportunity to independently follow a course or training. For example, I am currently working on a training for data analysis. Very cool to be able to develop myself like this.